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Gradel-Baudin, international renowned expert in rolled screws


Know-how and major equipment
DNA shaped in quality and precision
French manufacturer of trapezoidal or ball screws and nuts & custom-made solutions
All solutions when reliability of movement is your priority!

Dynamic and flexible in what we offer

Gradel-Baudin, renowned
expert in rolling by cold forming,
thanks to proven know-how
and major equipment

Our rolled bars with trapezoidal threads are obtained by cold deformation (rolling) according to ISO 2901/2902 and DIN103 in tolerance 7e.

Cold forming rolling is used to obtain a profile (thread, groove, knurling, etc.) without removing any material. The raw material, a smooth bar, is driven by 2 wheels and deformed by compression. This technology enables a profile to be formed without cutting the fibres of the material, thus ensuring better mechanical resistance.
Rolling is carried out in a diving or enfilade process.

Diving: This process allows the threading of parts over a defined and localised length. In this configuration the bar is static between the threadind wheels.

In-feed: this process allows the threading of bars over their entire length. In this configuration the bar moves between the threading wheels.

We can produce all types of quantities, small, medium or large series. In a very wide range of diameters, from 1.5 to 430mm.


• Standard and specific threading profiles
• All types of materials
• Rolling lengths: < 12 m
• Diameters: from 1.5 to 430 mm

by rolling

Cold threading consists of machining (without chips) the lateral surface of a cylindrical part by cold forming the material in a press with a specific tool called “the knurling wheels” enabling the formation of threads, knurling or grooves.

Threading by rolling

Cold threading

The 2 knurling wheels get closer to the part by turning in the same direction to carry it along in rotation and to penetrate the material until it deforms and reproduces the desired shape.

Deformation of material
before / after rolling

Cold threading process

The thread of our screws rolled by cold forming comes from deforming the material under the force exerted by the two knurling wheels bringing with it the opposite shape of the part to be machined. The material is then bent and takes the shape of the knurling wheels, so it leads to an expansion of the part’s diameter. The two sides of the material run right to the depth of the knurling wheel groove to finally meet.

The zone where the two sides meet makes a crease of which it is possible to adjust more or less the closure. In the industry, it is called « buttock effect » and it is an efficient method to identify rolling made by cold forming.

Benefits of rolling
by cold formation versus
other rolling techniques

This technique of cold forming is a reliable and efficient process. Rolling represents an unbeatable cost-effective advantage as it allows production time saving while using less raw material.

This process therefore presents numerous advantages compared to other systems based on material removal.

• Material fibers deformed but not cut
• Considerable gain of material as the roughing Ø is inferior to the finished Ø (no chips versus machining)
• Increased mechanical resistance: the material is hardened on the surface by increasing its mechanical resistance)
• Improved surface quality versus machining (no marks on the parts due to wearing away the tools)
• Noticeable increased high precision of thread versus machining
• Possibility to make specific shapes
• Possibility to roll long lengths
• Reduced production time versus machining
• Reduced production cost as the rolling is made in a single production
• Cost reduction versus rolling

Guaranteed cost-effectiveness
through adapted and customised options

An expert at your disposal

To ensure the best quality of service, we systematically adapt to your needs.

From sales manager to delivery driver: a complete team provides you with the best service.

Whatever the size of your company, giving you first class service is our main objective as well as fulfilling your specific needs while controlling your costs.

One contact: your expert sales manager!

Christophe BRIAND

Christophe BRIAND

Technical expert
+33 (0)4 50 58 26 81‬
